Very important information about the SafeNet software and licences. I get all the time very puzzled clients that find it difficult to understand how to see the license validity and how to install the e-token support.
In order to obtain the software and to be able to monitor your licences you need an account with SafeNet(Gemalto).
A user account and a password is supplied to you by the authorized vendor of the tokens. Please ask them about it. A lot of times the buyer receives only a box with the tokens and a license code. No CD/DVD no other leaflet besides some marketing leaflet. This is not a company known for its user friendliness.
After you have the user and password from your vendor you can go to the SafeNet(Gemalto) client portal:
There in that account you can add the license key and then see all the info about the licenses and download the client application for your OS.
After installing the client application you will be able start the SafeNet client.